
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Essential Oils Crafts : 140 Essential Oils Projects for Diffuser Blends, Soaps, Body Scrubs, Candles and Pain Relieving Remedies (9781983738623)

Essential Oils Crafts: 140 Essential Oils Projects For Diffuser Blends, Soaps, Body Scrubs, Candles And Pain Relieving Remedies One of the best things about this book is that its recipes are very simply laid out, so it is easy to pick out whichever you want and get to work. You will find some recipes good for personal celebrations and others fitting for long happy seasons like Christmas. Read on... Book#1: Winter Time Essential Oils: 30 Diffuser Blends with Spirit of the Most Wonderful Time of the Year This book, Winter Time Essential Oils: 30 Diffuser Blends with Spirit of The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, is a great read for anyone looking forward to enjoying the chilly but happy Christmas season. Winter may keep you indoors for long, but if you know what essential oil blends to diffuse in your home, you will forget you are in a confined area and begin to enjoy a sense of freedom. This book names the specific essential oils that provide your diffuser oils with uplifting fragrances...

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils for Relaxation and Stress Relief (9781091528918)

Аrоmаthеrаpy is а hоlistic hеаling trеаtmеnt thаt usеs nаturаl plаnt еxtrаcts tо prоmоtе hеаlth аnd wеll-bеing. Sоmеtimеs it's cаllеd еssеntiаl оil thеrаpy. Аrоmаthеrаpy usеs аrоmаtic еssеntiаl оils mеdicinаlly tо imprоvе thе hеаlth оf thе bоdy, mind, аnd spirit. It еnhаncеs bоth physicаl аnd еmоtiоnаl hеаlth. Аrоmаthеrаpy is thоught оf аs bоth аn аrt аnd а sciеncе. Rеcеntly, аrоmаthеrаpy hаs gаinеd mоrе rеcоgnitiоn in thе fiеlds оf sciеncе аnd mеdicinе.If yоu nееd imprоvеmеnt in hеаlth prоblеms frоm аnxiеty tо pооr slееp, yоu mаy wаnt tо cоnsidеr аrоmаthеrаpy. In this kind оf trеаtmеnt, yоu usе еxtrаcts frоm plаnts cаllеd еssеntiаl оils, by еithеr brеаthing thеm thrоugh yоur nоsе оr putting thеm оn yоur skin. Sоmе pеоplе put thе оils оn thеir skin whеn thеy gеt а mаssаgе оr tаkе а bаthЕssеntiаl оils аrе еаsy tо usе sаfеly аt hоmе (аs lоng аs yоu rеmеmbеr tо dilutе!) аnd еvеn bеttеr with thе guidаncе оf а prоfеssiоnаl аrоmаthеrаpist, еsthеticiаn, оr mаssеusе whо cаn rеcоmmеnd spеci...

Zen Blends : Coloring Mandalas and Calming Diffuser Blends (9781951554033)

When you are feeling stressed, coloring patterns and mandalas are a great way to divert your focus in a way that calms and soothes. What could be better than to use one of these 25 essential oil blends in your diffuser at the same time? This book contains 25 stress releasing mandalas from the moderately simple to the moderately intricate. An additional 25 mandalas contain the diffuser blends and can also be colored for a total of 50 coloring pages. The 25 diffuser blends are designed for calming, grounding, focus, stress, anxiety, and meditation. This is the perfect book for people who love both coloring and essential oils. Product details Format Paperback | 106 pages ...

Anika Nilles Pad Book (International Ed.) : Fundamental Workouts (9783947998180)

To keep your hands agile and dive deeper into effective methods that really improve your pad technique, Anika Nilles' Pad Book is just the thing! Anika gives plenty of advice on what and how to practice on a pad. Her fundamental workouts deal with accents, phrasings, and stickings in regular and odd note values, mixed meters, hand independence, and polyrhythms. Anika also puts together a collection of warm-ups that suggest how to create your own rhythm patterns out of the technical features in this book. Anika's focus through it all---to show you how you can always be creative when you play. Product details Format Book | 999 pages Dimensions ...

Linear Algebra for Everyone (9781733146630)

"This is a textbook for the linear algebra courses offered at colleges and universities"-- Product details Format Hardback | 368 pages Dimensions 196 x 242 x 22mm | 800g Publication date 26 Nov 2020 Publisher ...