
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Nigeria's Military Coup Culture : From Major Nzeogwu to LT-Colonel Dimka (1966-1976) (0875867081)

"An insider traces the details of hope and ambition gone wrong in the Giant of Africa, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. When it gained independence from Britain in 1960, hopes were high that, with mineral wealth and over 140 million people, the most educated workforce in Africa, Nigeria would become Africa s first superpower and a stabilizing democratic influence in the region. However, these lofty hopes were soon dashed and the country lumbered from crisis to crisis, with the democratic government eventually being overthrown in a violent military coup in January 1966. From 1966 until 1999, the army held onto power almost uninterrupted under a succession of increasingly authoritarian military governments and army coups. Military coups and military rule (which began as an emergency aberration) became a seemingly permanent feature of Nigerian politics. The author names names, and explores how British influence aggravated indigenous rivalries. He shows how various faction...

Garfield Classics: Volume 18 (1841613827)

Garfield has long been considered a "classic" property because he has not only endured, but continues to be fresh and funny after more than 35 years in the limelight. Product details Format Paperback | 288 pages Dimensions 111 x 178 x 20mm | 268g Publication date 22 May 2014 ...

Infectious Disease: A Very Short Introduction (9780199688937)

As doctors and biologists have learned, to their dismay, infectious disease is a moving target: new diseases emerge every year, old diseases evolve into new forms, and ecological and socioeconomic upheavals change the transmission pathways by which disease spread. By taking an approach focused on the general evolutionary and ecological dynamics of disease, this Very Short Introduction provides a general conceptual framework for thinking about disease. Ecology and evolution provide the keys to answering the 'where', 'why', 'how', and 'what' questions about any particular infectious disease: where did it come from? How is it transmitted from one person to another, and why are some individuals more susceptible than others? What biochemical, ecological, and evolutionary strategies can be used to combat the disease? Is it more effective to block transmission at the population level, or to block infection at the individual level? Through a series of ca...

The New Big Book of U.S. Presidents 2016 Edition (0762460601)

The New Big Book of U.S. Presidents is the perfect introduction for young readers to learn the lives and times of America's 45 most influential leaders. Readers can learn about our new president and relive the course of American history through digestible information about each president's term in office and the major political issues of each era, as well as through detailed timelines and historical photographs and illustrations throughout. Quick-reference sidebars provide brief summaries of the major events and important people who emerged during each presidential term. This engaging and enlightening book will be a favourite among children studying U.S. history and who crave fun facts that cannot be found in textbooks! Product details For ages 9-12 ...

Le piccole persone (9788845930706)

Più volte nei suoi interventi pubblici Anna Maria Ortese ha denunciato i delitti dell'uomo "contro la Terra", la sua "cultura d'arroganza", la sua attitudine di padrone e torturatore "di ogni anima della Vita". E lo ha fatto pur nella consapevolezza che il suo grido d'allarme sarebbe stato accolto con impaziente condiscendenza da chi sembra ignorare che ciò che rende l'uomo degno di sopravvivere è la sua "struttura morale: intendendo per morale ogni invisibile suo rapporto, ma buon rapporto, con la vita universale". Quel che ignoravamo è che tali interventi, che additavano nello sfruttamento e nel massacro degli animali, nella natura offesa e distrutta il nostro più grande peccato, non erano isolate e volenterose prese di posizione, bensì la punta emergente di un iceberg. Un iceberg rappresentato da decine e decine di scritti inediti, nei quali la Ortese è andata con toccante tenacia depositando quel che le dettava la sua ...

Paurisch : Wörterbuch der Gablonzer Mundart (3957861284)

Mundart ganz allgemein liegt wieder im Trend - so auch das Paurische. "Mauke", eine junge paurische Mundartband, erhielt 2013 sogar den Kulturpreis der Stadt Kaufbeuren. Paurisch, ein mit dem Lausitzischen und dem Schlesischen verwandter ostmitteldeutscher Dialekt, war einst die Sprache von nahezu 100 000 Menschen in Stadt und Landkreis Gablonz, mit ihrer weltbekannten Glas- und Schmuckwarenindustrie. Durch die Vertreibung der Sudetendeutschen 1945/46 wurden sie in alle Winde zerstreut. An mehreren Orten in Deutschland und Österreich fanden sie wieder zusammen, unter anderem im Kaufbeurer Stadtteil Neugablonz im Allgäu. Über die Jahre entstand eine umfangreiche Mundartliteratur. Die Besinnung auf den eigenen Dialekt half den Vertriebenen bei der Bewahrung ihrer Identität. In mehr als vierjähriger Arbeit hat der in Neugablonz vom Mundartdichter Heinz Kleinert gegründete Mundartkreis den Wortschatz der Gablonzer gesammelt. Zusammengekommen sind über 8 000 Stichworte, dazu eine...

Vampire Wars (1784966282)

A blood-drenched omnibus telling the story of the Von Carstein vampire counts, cruel undead rulers of the cursed land of Sylvania. The Von Carsteins were the most infamous bloodline of vampires to ever stalk the Warhammer Old World. Their very names - Vlad, Konrad and Mannfred - were whispered in fear by the people of the Empire, conjuring up images of doom, death and destruction. Charting the vampire family's rise to power in the shadow-haunted lands of Sylvania and their century-spanning wars with the Empire, this omnibus edition collects all three of Steven Savile's classic Von Carstein novels - Inheritance, Dominion and Retribution - into one gore-drenched volume. Product details Format Paperback | 800 pages ...

Musik & Gewalt : Aggressive Tendenzen in musikalischen Jugendkulturen (3896398237)

Musik und Gewalt stehen in vielfältigen Bezügen zueinander. Viele Jugendliche konfrontieren sich selbst jeden Tag mit Gewalt, indem sie Musik mit gewaltassoziierten Inhalten hören. Dabei kann es um Rassismus, Sexismus und andere Formen von Diskriminierungen sowie auch um Rechtsextremismus gehen. In diesem Buch werden verschiedene Facetten dieses Rezeptionsverhaltens behandelt: Wie gehen Jugendliche mit gewaltbezogener Musik um? Ist das Hören von Musikformen wie Gangsta- oder PornoRap Anzeichen für eine Verrohung Jugendlicher oder nur Ausdruck eines entwicklungsbedingten Durchgangsstadiums? Bringen explizite Geschlechterkonstellationen in Musikvideos bereits Formen von Gewalt zum Ausdruck? Welche Wirkung kann rechtsextreme Musik haben und wie wird sie rezipiert? Wie ist die Relevanz von gewaltassoziierten Texten beim Hören von Musik einzuschätzen? Welche Zusammenhänge zwischen Musik und Gewalt werden in musikalischen Jugendkulturen, z.B. der Black-Metal- und Skinheadszene, hergestellt? ...

Scenes from an Impending Marriage : A Mini-memoir (1770460349)

MAKING LIGHT OF NUPTIAL NARCISSM At the behest of his soon-to-be wife, Adrian Tomine set out to create a wedding favor for their guests that would be funnier and more personal than the typical chocolate bars and picture frames. What started out as a simple illustrated card soon grew into a full-fledged comic book: a collection of short strips chronicling the often absurd process of getting married. A loose, cartoony departure from Tomine's previous work, Scenes from an Impending Marriage is a sweet-natured, laugh out-loud skewering of the modern marriage process, including hiring a DJ, location scouting, trips to the salon, suit fittings, dance lessons, registering for gifts, and managing familial demands. The most personal and autobiographical work of Tomine's career, Scenes from an Impending Marriage is a charming, delightful token of love. Product details Format ...

One Life : How we forgot to live meaningful lives (9781912555598)

Never before in history have so many humans suffered from depression, anxiety, and stress. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 300 million people struggle with depression - equivalent to 4.4 percent of the world's population, with even more suffering from anxiety and stress. Therefore, it is critical to understand why those of us, especially in prosperous countries with high living standards, continue to get sick, particularly due to work-related stress. Studies have consistently shown purpose and meaningfulness to be essential for performance and mental health in a work place. As a result, human beings are increasingly seeking purpose and meaning in their life. Key to unlocking meaning is the idea that we are all one human being, regardless of the context. It is the purpose of this book to ensure we stop separating our persona into a working human being and private human being, and instead see ourselves as one human being, with one life in one lifetime. ...

Steuervorteile Mit Kindern : Leitfaden Fur Familien Und Steuerberater (3834941689)

Dieser kompakte Leitfaden gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über Steuervorteile und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten mit Kindern. Von Familienleistungsausgleich über Elterngeld, Kinderbetreuungs- und Ausbildungskosten bis hin zu Erbschaftsteuer und den steuerrechtlichen Möglichkeiten bei Vermögensübertragungen werden alle relevanten Themenbereiche verständlich und praxisnah behandelt. Mit zahlreichen konkreten Tipps zur Umsetzung richtet sich das Buch an Familien und Alleinerziehende sowie an Steuerberater.​ Product details Format Paperback | 137 pages Dimensions 148 x 210 ...

Giuliano de' Medici : Machiavelli's Prince in Life and Art (0773553207)

Most modern historians perpetuate the myth that Giuliano de' Medici (1479-1516), son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, was nothing more than an inconsequential, womanizing hedonist with little inclination or ability for politics. In the first sustained biography of this misrepresented figure, Josephine Jungic re-evaluates Giuliano's life and shows that his infamous reputation was exaggerated by Medici partisans who feared his popularity and respect for republican self-rule. Rejecting the autocratic rule imposed by his nephew, Lorenzo (Duke of Urbino), and brother, Giovanni (Pope Leo X), Giuliano advocated restraint and retention of republican traditions, believing his family should be "first among equals" and not more. As a result, the family and those closest to them wrote him out of the political scene, and historians - relying too heavily upon the accounts of supporters of Cardinal Giovanni and the Medici regime - followed suit. Interpreting works of art, books, and let...

Grüner putzen : Natürliche Reinigungsmittel selbst gemacht (3990252887)

Dieses Buch ist keine Zusammenstellung traditioneller Haushaltstipps, sondern zeigt moderne Alternativen zu industriell gefertigten Reinigern auf. Die Rezepte sind so formuliert, dass ihre Wirkungsweise genau beschrieben wird. Durch den Einsatz von mineralischen Scheuermitteln, natürlichen Säuren, pfl anzlichenTensiden, ätherischen Ölen und Kräutern ergibt sich eine Vielzahl von ökologischen Reinigungs mitteln, die leicht selbst her zustellen sind. So können Sie konventionelle Reiniger schrittweise gegen selbst gemachte austauschen, die nicht nur umweltfreundlich, preiswert und gesundheitsschonend, sondern auch vegan sind. Ersetzen Sie in Ihrem Putzschrank nach und nach die vielen bunten Plastikflaschen durch Ihre eigenen Produkte. Product details Format Hardback ...